President: Amy Hickman

Responsible for leading PTA toward specific goals chosen by its members. Creates agendas for and is presiding officer at monthly meetings. 

Vice President: Karen Musallam

Promote Old Post PTA Membership, including managing PTA Membership sign up, and back to school PTA events. Help with party parent coordination. 

Treasurer: Sandra Ruiz

Custodian of all funds of the PTA. Duties include keeping financial records and preparing reports to comply with State PTA policies as well as local, state and Federal laws.
Secretary (Recording Officer):
Janiece Bersky & Annie Pfaff

​Keeps an accurate, concise, permanent record of proceedings at all PTA Board and Association Meetings.  Review social media sites , keep updated and reviewed on a regular basis.
Secretary (Communication):
Tanya Jarvis

​Work with Old Post Office staff, send cards or flowers for births, deaths, etc.. Review  & update social media sites. Create an Executive Board Roster and volunteer list for committees

Old Post Elementary


Roles and Responsibilities..............


  • Promote the direction and goals of the Old Post PTA on behalf of the PTA membership. Communicate to the school, students, staff and parents/guardians
  • Lead, motivate, and coordinate the executive committee and executive board in order to promote National, State, and Old Post PTA missions and objectives on behalf of Old Post PTA members
  • Sets agenda and attendance at all monthly meetings is expected. 
  • Coordinates appointments of members to Standing and Special Committee Chair positions along with the other members of the Executive Committee
  • Coordinate the work of the officers and committees in order that the PTA objectives be promoted
  • Ensure By-Laws are updated and current every two years
  • Act as a signer on PTA checks, contracts, insurance policies, tax returns and correspondence as approved by membership
  • Review and Sign All Contracts and tax correspondence
  • Ensure Insurance policies are current and sufficient
  • Communicate and interface with Communications Secretary. Be available to approve electronic and printed communication. 
  • Develop PTA Calendar of Events in conjunction with The Principal of Old Post Elementary and keep it updated throughout the year
  • Carry out other duties as may be assigned by the organization and the Executive Board
  • Must have a social media presence in order to over see any PTA related websites, or pages. Must learn to use the PTA Gmail account & google docs to manage document storage and committee materials

 Vice President

  • Promote the direction and goals of the Old Post PTA
  • Delegate the work of the organization as may be appropriate to the Standing Chairs
  • Act as a signer on PTA checks
  • Preside over meetings in the Presidents absence or inability to serve
  • Attendance at all monthly meetings is expected 
  • Assist with goal setting for the PTA
  • Act as aide to the President and perform duties of the President in the absence or inability of the President to perform
  • Promote Old Post PTA Membership, including managing PTA Membership sign up, and back to school PTA events. 
  • Keep membership updated throughout the year
  • Act as new member contact - Answer questions 
  • Work with Directory Chair to coordinate details of the creation and distribution of the Directory
  • Help Coordinate Volunteers’ assignments
  • Help Coordinate with Party Parent and Room Party Volunteers.
  • Coordinate teacher requests for general volunteers for special projects
  • Perform other duties as may be delegated
  • Must have a social media presence in order to over see any PTA related websites, or pages. Must learn to use the PTA Gmail account & google docs to manage document storage and committee materials


  • Promote the direction and goals of the Old Post PTA
  • Attendance at all monthly meetings is expected 
  • Receive all monies of this organization and keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures including reconciliation of bank account
  • Place all monies in a depository approved by the executive committee
  • Pay out funds in accordance with the budget as approved by the membership and authorized by properly signed vouchers
  • Present a detailed written financial statement at every meeting & online of the organization and at other times as requested by the executive committee making a full report at the last meeting in May
  • Responsible for the remittance of state and national dues as directed by PTA bylaws
  • Provide the checkbook, all bank statements, canceled and voided checks, deposit slips, treasurer’s record & receipt books, vouchers and invoices for all disbursements to the auditing committee (or audit company as approved by the executive committee)
  • Be responsible for completion and filing of appropriate forms as may be required by the IRS no later than the date established by the regulations.
  • Perform other duties as may be delegated
  • Must learn to use the PTA Gmail account & google docs to manage document storage and materials

Secretary (recording and technology)

  • Promote the direction and goals of the Old Post PTA
  • Attendance at all monthly meetings is expected 
  • Responsible for working with the President to create PTA meeting agenda including committee updates
  • Send general meeting invitations to committee chairs requesting committee updates and reports
  • Record the minutes of all meetings of this organization and submit to PTA website & store on PTA Google Docs
  • Conduct correspondence of the organization as directed
  • Update and Review PTA website, Facebook pages, and any related social media. Keep sites updated and reviewed on a regular basis.
  • Create materials for events when requested - Store materials on google docs for commities  - send links to when committees need information
  • Must learn to use the PTA Gmail account & google docs to manage document storage and materials

Secretary (communications and technology)

  • Promote the direction and goals of the Old Post PTA
  • Act as Recording Secretary in their absence or inability to serve
  • Attendance at all monthly meetings is expected 
  • Work with Old Post Office staff, send cards, flowers, small gifts for births, deaths, transfers, etc..
  • Create and maintain Executive Board Roster (elected officers and committee chairs) and volunteer list for chaired committees
  • Update and Review PTA website, Facebook pages, and any related social media. Keep sites updated and reviewed on a regular basis.
  • Perform other duties as may be delegated.
  • Serve as point of contact with Outdoor Sign, Bulletin Boards, Display Cases and Yearbook Committees​
  • Must learn to use the PTA Gmail account & google docs to manage document storage and materials